How to Parallel Park: tips for getting it right first time
How to parallel park remains one of the most common concerns amongst novice drivers. Even drivers with years of experience can still be intimidated and in need of tips. Parallel ...
Autonomous Cars: The Future of Driverless Technology
Advanced driver assistance systems are becoming more and more commonplace in modern cars. ADAS or advanced driver assistance system is a collective term for the various technological enhancements present in ...
Car First Aid Kit Checklist: The Essentials
We all know that there can be no certainties in life, particularly on the roads. A car journey can be disrupted by all manner of unforeseen circumstances. Having your car ...
Essential tips for buying a used car
The private marketplace for used cars can be a minefield, the right tips for buying a used car are invaluable when making a second-hand purchase. For every new car bought ...
Eco Driving: Save Petrol & The Environment
Eco Driving is an approach to driving that strives to maximise efficiency while minimising harmful greenhouse gas emissions. As fuel prices continue to rise and drivers need to become more ...
Diesel vs Petrol Car: Which is Better?
Diesel vs petrol is a major consideration for all drivers when they are selecting a new vehicle. Both fuels have their advantages and disadvantages. Ireland boasts a reputation as something ...
Road Safety Innovations Set to Come Into Play in 2018
Road accidents have continued to increase in Ireland and the UK in recent years, despite a whole host of regulations and campaigns intended to promote road safety and responsible driving. ...
Keep Safe On the Roads: Winter Driving Tips From Autoglass®
With the chill in there air well and truly making itself known, we thought it was about time to pull together a list of winter driving tips to keep you ...
Question prep for your Driving License Test
Every driver nationwide is subject to the same driving license test prior to being issued their license. Your test will, as you no doubt know, be divided into two distinct portions ...
What is ADAS Windscreen Calibration?
ADAS or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems is a collective term for the various technological enhancements present in many modern vehicles. These technologies aim to enhance and improve both driver and ...
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